Sunday, 1 October 2017

Review: Purple sweet potato

The missus has been raving about the purple sweet potato from her native Borneo in the last week - and so I resolved to taste one if I could.  The only trouble is I live in North Wales with only a small town nearby.

But the universe must have been feeling kind this week (and no, I don't believe in any of that The Secret stuff) as I somehow found myself in town on market day - and local veg stall actually had them.  I selected the biggest of the tubers and handed over my quid.

The missus was only partly impressed. Apparently, it was not purple enough.

Returning home yesterday I found the missus had steamed it. The mid-purple flesh was firmer, more flavoursome but more subtly sweet and less watery than the orange variety. The skin had some bitter notes, but not overly so.

Verdict: Superior sweet tatws.

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