Monday, 29 May 2017

Mini-review: Food rules: an eater's guide

Having recently come across Michael Pollan's simple rule:

Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much. 

I decided to read some of the source material which explains the statement above a little more. Food rules is a short book containing a few dozen rules for eating. Often eat rule is based on science and/or folk wisdom - and some of them will settle in your mind, others won't.

Probably my favour was a Chinese one which went something like:

  • Eat one leg (fungi/plants) in favour of two legs (chicken) in favour of four legs (pork etc).
But there were others that were memorable gold e.g.
  • Don't buy anything with sugar (in all of its various forms) in the first few ingredients.
  • If a child can't pronounce one of the ingredients - don't buy it.
In summary, a breezy very short read - and perhaps something to occasionally dip back into from time to time.

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