Sunday, 28 July 2019

Review: Captain Marvel

For the nth entry in the Marvel film universe, yet another origin story for an eccentrically costumed character shouldn't be this involving - but this tale of amnesia,  loyalty switching and beginnings (in more way than one) is surprisingly good.  The nuggets of 90s nostalgia help as does being given a first person view of the sheer bafflement of the titular character as they try to piece together their past.

Jackson provides great support as a younger pre-Avengers Nick Fury.  Both are upstaged by Goose the cat who doesn't get much screen time, but has some memorable appearances.

Now her backstory is established, I hope Larson's Captain Marvel is given a bit more depth in subsequent outings. She's undoubtably a woman of action with a touch of snark, but I'm hoping for more in future films.

Verdict: Be warned, you may never look at your cat in the same way again!

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