Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Review: Gaslighting: How to recognise manipulative and emotionally abusive people ....and break free

Dr Sarkis' short book is an excellent introduction in how to identify gaslighters in your working and home relationships and steps you can take to mitigate their impact.  On the downside, it is very much US centric so many of the suggested resources and relevant legislation will need localising by the reader.  And if you are being gaslit in the workplace, the only satisfactory option may be to leave.

Particularly strong is the chapter on how to break free and heal from gaslighting experiences with its overview of the different approaches to psychological support.  Some of them were familiar - eg self-talk - although there were a few nice tweaks eg giving negative self-talk silly voices. I also found value in the section on building distress tolerance:

  • Finding alternative activities while are not emotion filled
  • Pushing away, for example, feelings of uselessness through visualising competence. 
  • Acting the opposite to you are feeling. 
On a related note, I recently came across another useful mindfulness technique via the Tim Ferriss podcast - namely noting thoughts and feelings with the phrase "welcome to the party" as though you were the genial host. 

Verdict: While this book won't (hopefully) relevant to all readers, it is a good starting place. 

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