Sport as a metaphor for unity is a familiar trope, but rarely have the stakes been so high as they are in Invictus. Here, Freeman's superbly played Mandela sees it as a way to bring the country together - a country which in lesser hands could have easily fallen into civil war.
The story takes a familiar route, but in sporting terms it is a highly effective ones. Thankfully as someone who hasn't played rugby since school - and didn't particularly comprehend its appeal even then - Eastwood chooses to focus on the human drama. One of the most effective strands follows the presidential bodyguard team.
The only slightly disappointing is that a few pieces of crucial exposition are left out. For example, I don't recall hearing any explanation of Invictus. I'll leave you - as I did - to head on over Wikipedia for that.
Verdict: Eastwood's on less divisive form.
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