A few months ago, I did the latest iteration of our in-house management training covering staff management. It covered the Four stages of competence:
It wasn't exactly unfamiliar, but this time we were given a number of staff management scenarios together with a selection of options against each one. We had to select the option we would select for each scenario.
Almost without fail, I chose the option which was in the Conscious Competence segment.
Obviously, I wasn't varying my management style as much as I thought. But why?
I figured it was probably something to do with being a remote manager. I trust my team to meet their goals with a fairly high degree of autonomy - and tend to hire on that basis. But doing so, meant I was probably hobbling some team members, while not supporting others enough (especially new recruits - who will inevitably be incompetent about some things - even if only how the organisation works).
I'm now making a more conscious (!) effort to adapt according to which stage I think they are at for a particular task etc.
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