With all of the financial and political turmoil going on in the world - it's tempting to wonder is this all planned? Could it have been prevented? Why does history seem to be repeating itself again?
One of my hobbies is hanging out on what might be regarded as the more lunatic fringe of some economic discussion forums. Amidst all of the lizards, hopes and dreams - a consensus kind of emerged a few years ago that was surprisingly prescient. From around 2005-6 (some even earlier) some were saying - a big crash is coming. The credit bubble is the biggest the world has ever seen and it's going to end horribly. The really out there posters suggested it was going to be bad enough to take down entire countries.
Now I come a position of complete ignorance of the economic system but it seemed that what many on the boards were saying was a darn sight more helpful and insightful than the economic mantras perpetuated by the media and repeated by people I know. I'm a natural contrarian so that probably also helped.
But the nuttier posters turned out to be right.
The crash has come to pass and we appear to be lurching from crisis to crisis of generally increasing magnitude. So to return to my earlier question - is it all part of some massive matrix like scheme?
I would really like to think so but I doubt it. In my limited experience, the powers that be are often not much different to you and I. They are driven by many of the same things:
- Greed
- Fear
- Desire to maintain/improve position in world
- Short termist thinking
Let's pick just one of these. Short term thinking.
Despite our ability to reproduce - we think short term. Do we really care what happens to our children and their children? History suggests not as we always vote for Governments which look after us at the moment rather than our children. Few will vote for something that will make their lives much less comfortable but their children's or grandchildren's far richer.
Short term thinking is rife. Many are really just living from paycheck to paycheck with nothing more than dreams rather than concrete plans to guide them. Public companies work from quarter to quarter or perhaps yearly results. Politicians work to the next election.
Perhaps a few - like the families which have been rich/powerful for generations - are guiding things over a longer term. It would make sense. They have more to lose, have the time to have properly observe how things happen and the influence to make meaningful change.
But one has to ask that if this is the case - why do the bad economic things in history appear to repeat or at least rhyme so much? It's either:
- Accidental ie the rich and powerful forget the mistakes of the past as well.
- Deliberate ie there is a grand plan.
- Baked into the systems we create, the environment we live in and our DNA.
Personally, I think it comes down to a bit of planning to maintain their position, plenty of incompetence (or forgetfulness) and quite a bit is due to the systems and ourselves.
Basically, even the rich and powerful are bit sh*t when you look at it. And when things go wrong it is often down to cock-up rather than conspiracy.
What do you think?